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Resource | Final Rule Final Rule: FDPIR Income Deductions and Resource Eligibility - Approval of Information Collection Request

This document announces approval of an information collection requirements (ICR)  associated with the  final rule entitled Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations: Income Deductions and Resource Eligibility was published on Aug. 27, 2013.

Resource | Proposed Rule Proposed Rule: NSLP and SBP Eliminating Applications Through Community Eligibility as Required by the HHFKA of 2010

This rule proposes to amend the eligibility regulations for free and reduced price meals under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program to codify the statutory provision that establishes the community eligibility provision, a reimbursement option for eligible local educational agencies and schools that wish to offer free school meals to all children in high poverty schools without collecting household applications.

Basic page SNAP for Researchers

This page is for researchers--everyone from students doing a school project to professional researchers doing major studies of social policy. It contains three basic sources of data:

Resource | Final Rule Final Rule: FDPIR Income Deductions and Resource Eligibility

This rulemaking establishes requirements to simplify and improve the administration of and expand access to the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations and the Food Distribution Program for Indian Households in Oklahoma, both of which are referred to as FDPIR in this rulemaking.

Resource | Technical Assistance Software Approval Material for Alternates to USDA Certification Worksheets

These materials were compiled to assist companies who are developing or revising certification of compliance/menu planning software for USDA to approve for use in certification of compliance with the National School Lunch Program meal pattern requirements.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2013-0055 Extending Flexibility for RCCIs in the NSLP

On July 16, 2012, FNS issued memorandum SP 38-2012, which allowed Residential Child Care Institutions, with state agency approval, to serve the National School Lunch Program meal pattern in effect for the highest age/grade group served to all residential students.

Resource | Policy Memos | FNS-GD-2013-0015 USDA Foods Bone-in-Chicken Products

USDA Food and Nutrition Service policy memo SP 26-2013, "Extending Flexibility in the Meat/Meat Alternate and Grains Maximums for School Year 2013-14" extends the flexibility regarding Meat/Meat Alternate (M/MA) maximums for SY 2013-13, allowing state agencies to assess compliance based on the minimum daily and weekly serving requirements only.  

Resource | Training and Outreach Guidance for Accepting Processed Product Documentation for Meal Pattern Requirements

The purpose of this memorandum is to highlight common issues related to inaccurate or misleading product literature, product labels, and fact sheets; provide guidance about how product literature can be used to make purchasing decisions; and bring to your attention several sample product formulation statements (PFS) that can be used to document a product’s contribution to meal pattern requirements.

Resource | Guidance Documents | FNS-GD-1995-0001 Milk Requirement-Child Nutrition Programs

This Instruction clarifies which types of milk may be used to fulfill the milk component  requirement of the child nutrition programs.

Page updated: October 14, 2021