The WIC Works Resource System (WIC Works) is an online education, training and resource center for state, local and clinic staff administering WIC.
WIC state agencies can use this toolkit as a resource as they develop their online WIC applications.
List of WIC Management Information System support vendors and Electronic Benefit Transfer processor vendors by state. This list will be updated quarterly.
This map displays census data and can be used for tiering of participating CACFP day care homes and eligibility of SFSP summer sites.
The information collected via this form will be reviewed and approved by FNS for possible inclusion in the SNAP-Ed Library. These collected resources may be shared with SNAP-Ed state and local agencies to provide technical assistance, best practices and help enhance program activities.
Las familias pueden utilizar el Buscador de sitios de Summer Meals for Kids para encontrar direcciones a sitios de comidas cercanos, así como sus horarios de atención e información de contacto.
Families can use the Summer Meals for Kids Site Finder to find directions to nearby meal sites, as well as their hours of operation and contact information.
USDA, in partnership with Nutri-Link Technologies, Inc., is developing an online application to make it easier for families to apply for Summer EBT benefits and easier for states to run the new program.