This rule increases the amount of cash value vouchers from $8.00 to $10.00 issued to pregnant, postpartum and partially breastfeeding women participants for the purchase of fruits and vegetables as part of the WIC food packages.
The final rule entitled Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC): Vendor Cost Containment was published on Oct. 8, 2009. The Office of Management and Budget cleared the associated information collection requirements (ICR) on Nov. 2, 2009. This document announces approval of the ICR.
The final rule entitled Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children: Vendor Cost Containment was published on Oct. 8, 2009. The Office of Management and Budget cleared the associated information collection requirements on Nov. 2, 2009. This document announces approval of the ICR.
This final rule implements a legislative provision which requires school food authorities participating in NSLP or SBP to develop a school food safety program for the preparation and service of school meals served to children.
This final rule amends regulations by making state plans permanent, and by explicitly designating the processing of donated wild game as an allowable use of TEFAP administrative funds.
This final rule incorporates into program regulations new legislative requirements for vendor cost containment that affect the selection, authorization, and reimbursement of retail vendors.
This document corrects a typographical error published in an interim final rule concerning maximum monthly allowances of supplemental foods for infants in food (packages I, II, and III) published in the Federal Register on Dec. 6, 2007.
This final rule incorporates into the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program regulations, statutory provisions set forth in the Farm Bill of 2008. The three provisions include adding honey as an eligible food for purchase with SFMNP benefits, prohibiting the value of SFMNP benefits from consideration as income or resources when determining eligibility for other programs under any federal, state or local law, and prohibiting the collection of state or local tax on a purchase of food with a benefit distributed under the SFMNP.
This final rule adopts without change the food safety inspections requirements for the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program set forth in a previous interim rule issued by the Food and Nutrition Service as a result of the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004.
This rule finalizes the interim rule that implemented the statutory provision to prohibit direct or indirect restrictions on the sale or marketing of fluid milk on school premises or at school-sponsored events, at any time or in any place, in schools participating in the National School Lunch Program. This rule ensures that there are no policies or procedures in place that have the effect of restricting the sale or marketing of fluid milk.