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Resource | Training and Outreach Afiche de OVS del desayuno en la escuela primaria

Este afiche se utiliza para educar a los estudiantes de primaria sobre cómo seleccionar un desayuno reembolsable bajo Ofrecer versus Servir.

Resource | Policy Standard Utility Allowances

States annually update Standard Utility Allowances (SUAs) to reflect changes in utility costs. When determining a household’s eligibility, states consider a household’s total shelter costs, including the cost of utilities. Since actual utility costs are often hard to determine, states can use SUAs, which are standard amounts that represent low-income household utility costs in the state or local area. SUAs may be used in lieu of the household's actual costs when determining eligibility and benefit amount.

Basic page Community Eligibility Provision Slider Tool

The CEP slider tool will calculate and display free and paid claiming percentages.

Resource | Handbooks FDPIR FY 24 Net Monthly Income Standards

The net monthly income standard for each household size is the sum of the applicable SNAP net monthly income standard and the applicable SNAP standard deduction.

Resource | Federal Register Notices Final Rule: Child Nutrition Programs - CEP Increasing Options for Schools

This final rule amends the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) regulations by lowering the minimum identified student percentage (ISP) from 40 percent to 25 percent. 

Resource | Training and Outreach CEP Final Rule Summary

USDA published a final rule in the Federal Register on Sept. 26, 2023, to expand access to the Community Eligibility Provision by lowering the minimum identified student percentage participation threshold from 40 percent to 25 percent. 

Resource | Policy Community Eligibility Provision: Implementing the New Minimum Identified Student Percentage

This guidance applies to state agencies and local educational agencies administering the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. This guidance provides information on the final rule, Child Nutrition Programs: Community Eligibility Provision – Increasing Options for School.

SP 22-2023
Resource | Training and Outreach OVS Middle/High School Breakfast Poster

This poster is used educate middle and high school students in selecting a reimbursable breakfast under Offer versus Serve.

Resource | Training and Outreach OVS Elementary School Breakfast Poster

This poster is used to educate elementary students in selecting a reimbursable breakfast under Offer versus Serve.

Resource | Training and Outreach Offer vs Serve High School Lunch Poster

This poster is designed to educate high school students in selecting a reimbursable lunch under Offer versus Serve.

Page updated: October 14, 2021