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Resource | Federal Register Notices Comment Request - WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program Forms and Regulations

FNS uses the information to assess how each FMNP state agency operates; to ensure the accountability of state agencies, local agencies, and farmers/farmers' markets/roadside stands; to make program management decisions; and to report to Congress as needed.

Resource | Policy Summer EBT Benefit Issuance and Participation Reporting Q&As

This memo provides questions and answers addressing the FY 2024 benefit issuance and participation reporting requirements for Summer EBT. The guidance is divided into three sections. The first section addresses the benefit issuance reporting requirements for Summer EBT; the second section addresses participation reporting requirements; and the third section provides special instructions for reporting Summer EBT benefits issuance and participation data when Summer 2024 benefits are issued after Sept. 30, 2024 (i.e., in FY 2025).

FM 04-2024, SEBT 04-2024
Resource | Guidance Documents WIC Caseload Management and Cost Savings Strategies

The purpose of this letter is to summarize existing WIC caseload management policies and ensure WIC state agencies' share a common understanding of allowable caseload management strategies in the event the WIC program experiences funding constraints.

Resource | Policy Memos SNAP - Flexibility in Timeframes for Requesting Verification

This memo highlights flexibility for state agencies to give households more time to submit verification required for SNAP eligibility and benefit amount determinations.

Resource | Policy SNAP Multiple Online Applications and Telephonic Signatures

This memo expands on the Online Application Policy clarification memorandum issued Feb. 15, 2024, and clarifies existing policy relative to multiple online applications for the same household and telephonic signatures.

Resource | Policy SNAP – State Policy Options Related to Custodial and Non-Custodial Parent Cooperation with State CSAs

In May 2019, FNS reminded state agencies that they may choose to require custodial and non-custodial parents to cooperate with the state Child Support Agency as a condition of eligibility for SNAP and disqualify individuals in arrears for child support. This memorandum provides additional information and considerations for states regarding this option. 

Resource | Policy Buy American Provisions Related to the Final Rule - CNP Meal Patterns Consistent with the 2020-25 DGAs

Detailed guidance on recent regulatory changes to the Buy American provisions. The Buy American Exceptions Tracking Standard Form is an optional template that school food authorities can use to organize files and document the use of exceptions to purchase non-domestic foods under the Buy American provision. 

Resource | Policy Notice of Supply Chain Disruption Declaration in Response to the Continued Impact of Limited Availability of Infant Formulas

This letter serves as notice to all WIC state agencies that effective June 1, 2024, the Secretary of Agriculture has determined that a Supply Chain Disruption exists in WIC state agencies with Gerber infant formula contracts.

Resource | Policy SNAP – Alter Procedures When Change of Address is Reported Administrative Waiver

In a continued effort to reduce administrative burden and simplify SNAP processes, FNS is extending approval of the address change waiver beyond the unwinding period to support more effective and efficient program administration.

Resource | Policy CACFP Implementation Guidance: State Agency Financial Review Requirements

FNS published the Child Nutrition Program Integrity Final Rule and amended regulations at 7 CFR 226.7(b) and 7 CFR 226.10(c) to codify the requirement for an annual reconciliation of bank account activity and accounting of reported actual expenditures with Child and Adult Care Food Program payments. This memorandum provides a summary of each provision and instructions for how to complete the annual verification of bank account activity and actual expenditures.

CACFP 09-2024
Page updated: October 14, 2021