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Resource | Webinars/Videos Revisions in the WIC Food Packages Video

USDA is updating the WIC food packages to reflect current nutrition science.

Resource | Webinars/Videos 2024 National Multi-Food Warehouse Transition Status Update

A summary of the current warehouse transition and what states/ITO’s receiving multi-food deliveries need to know about what comes next.

Resource | Guidance Documents FDPIR Monthly Distribution Guide Rates By Household Size

FNS Handbook 501, Exhibit O shows the FDPIR monthly distribution guide rates by household size effective June 1, 2024. This document is commonly referred to as the "FDPIR Guide Rate."  

FNS Handbook 501, Exhibit O
Resource | Technical Assistance FDPIR Sharing Gallery: Recipes and Cookbooks

This gallery contains cookbooks and recipes that specifically target participants of FDPIR. Resources come from including ITOs, non-profit organizations, and the USDA. Cookbooks and recipes can be used to provide participants with ideas on how to utilize foods found in their FDPIR food package.

Resource | Webinars/Videos USDA DoD Fresh for FDPIR

This webinar discusses best practices for ordering and receiving deliveries of fresh fruits and vegetables through USDA DoD Fresh. The webinar also provides information to help ITOs properly handle and store fresh produce.

Resource | Webinars/Videos FDPIR 2018 Farm Bill Demonstration Project for Tribal Organizations

During this webinar, FNS reviewed the demonstration project, the information required in proposals, and answered questions. 

Resource | Webinars/Videos The Enhanced CSFP Food Package in Action: Where Are We Now?

In early 2020, programs began to implement the enhanced CSFP food package that includes more variety, flexibility, and healthier food options. This webinar focuses on the food package enhancements and how to successfully manage inventory to adjust for client preferences, logistical challenges, and inventory shortfalls. We provide an overview of the new foods that have improved the food package and review the inventory ordering tool to help states and local agencies adjust to changing needs based on client feedback.

Resource | Webinars/Videos CSFP 101

The CSFP 101 webinar provides attendees with a brief history of CSFP, allowable uses of administrative funds, and policy basics.  Attendees also receive an overview of CSFP income eligibility standards and distribution of CSFP food package policies. This webinar is intended for state and local agencies who manage CSFP.

Resource | Webinars/Videos Are you Ready for CSFP Food Package Changes?

The CSFP Enhanced Food Package goes into effect Nov. 1, 2019. This webinar covers transition updates regarding direct shipment purchase status’ and food availability from the National Warehouses including when to expect new foods and package sizes to be available for multi-food ordering. In addition, live attendees were given the opportunity to ask any additional questions before implementing the enhanced food package.

Resource | Webinars/Videos Planning for Successful Implementation of the Enhanced CSFP Food Package

In February 2019, USDA announced changes to the monthly food package that will be implemented beginning November 1, 2019. This webinar will focus on the new options and flexibilities within each category and provide guidance about how to plan for a successful transition. To help states and local sites adjust their inventory and orders to implement the changes on November 1, USDA will provide a demo of the recently released Food Package Ordering Tool. 

Page updated: October 14, 2021