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Resource | Research Plans | Participation Rates Understanding the Determinants of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation

Because of ethical and legal considerations, FNS cannot examine the effect of participation in SNAP on outcomes such as food security through experimental studies that would require withholding benefits from those eligible. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify whether regression modeling of extant data could yield adequate comparison groups to assess SNAP outcomes.

Resource | Research Plans | Participation Characteristics Characteristics of SNAP Households: FY 2008

This report provides information about the demographic and economic circumstances of SNAP households in fiscal year 2008. 

Resource | Research Plans | Participation Rates Reaching Those in Need: State SNAP Participation Rates in 2007

This report – the latest in an annual series – presents estimates of the percentage of eligible persons, by state, who participated in SNAP during an average month in FY 2007 and in the two previous fiscal years. This report also presents estimates of state participation rates for eligible “working poor” individuals (persons in households with earnings) over the same period. 

Resource | Research Plans | Assessing/Improving Operations Analysis of Verification Summary Data SY 2007-08

This report summarizes the results of the school year 2007-08 application verification process for the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. 

Resource | Research Plans | Demonstrations Direct Verification Pilot Study: Final Report

The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004  permits direct verification of school meal applications and requires FNS to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of direct verification by school districts.

Resource | Research Plans | Payment Accuracy and Program Integrity Direct Certification in the National School Lunch Program: State Implementation Progress - Report to Congress

This report responds to the legislative requirement of PL 110-246 to assess the effectiveness of state and local efforts to directly certify children for free school meals. Under direct certification, children are determined eligible for free school meals without the need for household applications by using data from other means-tested programs. 

Resource | Research Plans | Demonstrations CACFP Improper Payments Data Collection Pilot Project

The purpose of this pilot was to test possible methods that could lead to valid estimations of the number of meals served by family day care homes. The estimated number of meals served can be used to develop estimates of over- and under-counts of meal claims that result in erroneous payments.

Resource | History From Food Stamps to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Legislative Timeline

Resource Final Rule: FMNP Nondiscretionary Provisions of PL 108-265, the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004

This is an affirmation of an interim rule as a final rule amending the FMNP regulations to codify three nondiscretionary provisions - authorize roadside stands, reduce the required amount of state matching funds, and increase the maximum federal benefit level - mandated in the Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004. 

Resource | Research Plans | Participation Rates WIC Eligibles and Coverage - 1994 to 2007; Estimates of the Population of Women, Infants, and Children Eligible for WIC Benefits

WIC provides food, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and health care and social service referrals to nutritionally at-risk low-income pregnant women, new mothers, infants, and children through age 4. This report offers updated estimates of the population that met these criteria and was eligible for WIC benefits in each of the years 1994 through 2007.

Page updated: October 14, 2021