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Enhanced Summer Food Service Program (eSFSP)

The eSFSP projects test changes to the existing structure and delivery mechanism of SFSP to determine if they lead to increased participation. These demonstrations include four separate initiatives, two of which began in the summer of 2010. The remaining two started during the summer of 2011. Each eSFSP demonstration employs a different approach. The goals of the eSFSP demonstrations are to raise participation rates, and decrease or eliminate food insecurity among children through the following interventions:

  1. Extended Length of Operation Incentive: Provides per-meal incentives to encourage program sponsors to serve low-income children for a greater portion of the summer. This was first implemented in Arkansas in 2010 and continued through the summer of 2011;
  2. Activity Incentive: Provides additional funding to create recreational or educational activities at SFSP feeding sites in order to increase participation. This was implemented in Mississippi in 2010 and continued through the summer of 2011;
  3. Meal Delivery: Provides additional funding to deliver meals to eligible children in rural areas, addressing some of the barriers (such as lower population densities and greater distances to SFSP sites) that currently make it difficult for sponsors to obtain a sustainable level of reimbursements in rural areas. This project was implemented in Delaware, Massachusetts, and New York in summer 2011 and will continue through summer 2012; and
  4. Backpack Distribution: Provides additional funding to give eligible children food backpacks containing meals to take home to cover the days that SFSP meals are not available (primarily weekends) thus improving children’s access to nutritious food on those days. This project was implemented in Arizona, Kansas, and Ohio in summer 2011 and will continue through summer 2012.


Page updated: January 08, 2025