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Eating Breakfast: Effects of the School Breakfast Program

Resource type
Research and Data
Research Reports
Research type
Assessing/Improving Operations
Promoting Healthy Eating
Resource Materials
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File Icon Final Report (403.03 KB)

The analysis conducted in this study builds on these two strands of the literature and uses three alternate definitions of breakfast: Consumption of any food or beverage. Breakfast intake of food energy greater than 10 percent of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). Consumption of foods from at least two of five main food groups and intake of food energy greater than 10 percent of the RDA.

As the definition of breakfast becomes more robust, the percentage of students who eat breakfast declines. Almost 9 of 10 students consumed any food or beverage, but only 6 of 10 students consumed food from at least two of the main food groups and had breakfast intake of food energy greater than 10 percent of the RDA.

Page updated: August 05, 2024