Why is streamlining a big deal? Because reducing paperwork increases program efficiency, to make CACFP work better! Whether you are wondering how to make the best use of resources to implement the new meal requirements, or just looking for ideas to help you operate the program more effectively, here is information you can use!
- 2018 Increasing Flexibility for Verification of For-Profit Center Eligibility in CACFP
- Proposed rule would establish annual eligibility and verification requirements that would reduce paperwork for many for-profit centers
- 2015: Reducing Paperwork in the Child and Adult Care Food Program
- Recommendations of the Paperwork Reduction Work Group to Congress, USDA, and states.
- 2007: Child and Adult Care Food Program Paperwork Reduction Work Group Final Report
- Ideas for reducing paperwork in applications, oversight, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting
Policy Guidance
- CACFP 10-2018: Conducting Five-Day Reconciliation in the CACFP, with Q&As
- CACFP 17-2017: Documenting Meals in the CACFP
- CACFP 03-2014: Available Flexibilities for CACFP At-risk Sponsors and Centers Transitioning to Summer Food Service Program
- CACFP 15-2013: Existing Flexibilities
- CACFP 14-2013: Monitoring of Licensing Requirements
- CACFP 13-2013: Health and Safety in the CACFP
- CACFP 12-2013: Transitioning from the Summer Food Service Program to the CACFP At-risk Afterschool Meals
- CACFP 11-2013: Q&As Regarding the Participation of Head Start Programs in Child Nutrition Programs
- CACFP 09-2013: Additional State Requirements in the CACFP
- CACFP 19-2011: Child Nutrition Reauthorization 2010: CACFP Applications
- CACFP 01-2008: Facility Applications and Agreements in the CACFP
- CACFP 11-2007: Accommodations for Non-Traditional Program Operators
- CACFP 09-2007: Electronic Record and Reporting Systems
- CACFP 07-2007: Update on Electronic Transactions in the Child Nutrition Programs
- CACFP 05-2007: Additional State Agency Requirements
- CACFP 02-2007: Paperwork Reduction in the CACFP