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South Carolina Disaster Nutrition Assistance

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Past Responses


Incident: Hurricane Helene

When: Sept. 25, 2024

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

  • On Nov. 19, 2024, FNS approved the South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) request to modify their D-SNAP operation in response to the impact of Hurricane Helene that began on Sept. 25, 2024. On Oct. 21, 2024, a major disaster declaration with federal individual assistance designated Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Cherokee, Chester, Edgefield, Fairfield, Greenville, Greenwood, Hampton, Jasper, Kershaw, Laurens, Lexington, McCormick, Newberry, Oconee, Orangeburg, Pickens, Richland, Saluda, Spartanburg, Union, and York counties and the Catawba Indian Reservation as eligible for assistance. The initial waiver, approved on Nov. 1, 2024, authorized D-SNAP operations for 28 counties and permitted the state to operate D-SNAP in a telephonic application period with two phases and an onsite application period with two phases. This modification changes the dates for D-SNAP operations for Aiken, Greenville, Jasper, Laurens, Oconee, and Pickens counties.

    The state will operate D-SNAP in telephonic application period with two phases and an onsite application period with two phases and this approval is limited to the counties included in the approval.
  • Telephonic Application Period
    • Phase one: Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Cherokee, Hampton, Jasper, McCormick, Oconee, Pickens, Saluda, Spartanburg, Union and York counties along with the Catawba Indian Reservation will accept telephonic applications for 4 consecutive days beginning on Nov. 12, 2024, through Nov. 15, 2024.
    • Phase two: Abbeville, Chester, Edgefield, Fairfield, Greenville, Greenwood, Kershaw, Laurens, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg, and Richland counties will accept telephonic applications for 4 consecutive days beginning on Nov. 18, 2024, through Nov. 21, 2024.
  • Onsite Application Period
    • Phase one, Group A: Anderson, Cherokee, Laurens, McCormick, Saluda, and Union counties will accept in-person applications at designated sites for 3 consecutive days beginning on Dec. 2, 2024, through Dec. 4, 2024.
    • Phase one, Group B: Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Hampton, Spartanburg, and York counties along with the Catawba Indian Reservation will accept in-person applications at designated sites for 3 consecutive days beginning on Dec. 4, 2024, through Dec. 6, 2024.
    • Phase two, Group C: Abbeville, Aiken, Chester, Greenwood, Jasper, Newberry, Oconee, Orangeburg, and Pickens counties will accept in-person applications at designated sites for 3 consecutive days beginning on Dec. 9, 2024, through Dec. 11, 2024.
    • Phase two, Group D: Greenville, Edgefield, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington, and Richland counties will accept in-person applications at designated sites for 3 consecutive days beginning on Dec. 11, 2024, through Dec. 13, 2024.
  • On Nov. 1, 2024, FNS approved the South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) request to operate Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) in 28 counties and one Indian Reservation due to the impacts of Hurricane Helene that began on Sept. 25, 2024. On Oct. 21, 2024, a major disaster declaration with federal individual assistance designated Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Cherokee, Chester, Edgefield, Fairfield, Greenville, Greenwood, Hampton, Jasper, Kershaw, Laurens, Lexington, McCormick, Newberry, Oconee, Orangeburg, Pickens, Richland, Saluda, Spartanburg, Union and York counties and the Catawba Indian Reservation as eligible for assistance.

    The state will operate D-SNAP in telephonic application period with two phases and an onsite application period with two phases and this approval is limited to the counties included in the approval.
  • Telephonic Application Period
    • Phase one: Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Cherokee, Hampton, Jasper, McCormick, Oconee, Pickens, Saluda, Spartanburg, Union and York counties along with the Catawba Indian Reservation will accept telephonic applications for 4 consecutive days beginning on Nov. 12, 2024, through Nov. 15, 2024.
    • Phase two: Abbeville, Chester, Edgefield, Fairfield, Greenville, Greenwood, Kershaw, Laurens, Lexington, Newberry, Orangeburg and Richland counties will accept telephonic applications for 4 consecutive days beginning on Nov. 18, 2024, through Nov. 21, 2024.
  • Onsite Application Period
    • Phase one, Group A: Anderson, Cherokee, McCormick, Oconee, Pickens, Saluda and Union counties will accept in-person applications at designated sites for 3 consecutive days beginning on Dec. 2, 2024, through Dec. 4, 2024.
    • Phase one, Group B: Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Hampton, Jasper, Spartanburg and York counties along with the Catawba Indian Reservation will accept in-person applications at designated sites for 3 consecutive days beginning on Dec. 4, 2024, through Dec. 6, 2024.
    • Phase two, Group C: Abbeville, Chester, Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, Newberry and Orangeburg counties will accept in-person applications at designated sites for 3 consecutive days beginning on Dec. 9, 2024, through Dec. 11, 2024.
    • Phase two, Group D: Edgefield, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lexington and Richland counties will accept in-person applications at designated sites for 3 consecutive days beginning on Dec. 11, 2024, through Dec. 13, 2024.
  • On Oct. 10, 2024, FNS approved the South Carolina DSS request to modify the 10-day reporting requirement waiver for food purchased with SNAP benefits that was lost as a result of power outages and flooding due to Hurricane Helene that began on Sept. 26, 2024. The initial waiver, approved on Oct. 1, 2024, includes the counties of Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Calhoun, Cherokee, Chester, Colleton, Dillon, Dorchester, Edgefield, Fairfield, Greenville, Greenwood, Hampton, Jasper, Kershaw, Lancaster, Laurens, Lexington, McCormick, Marion, Newberry, Oconee, Orangeburg, Pickens, Richland, Saluda, Spartanburg, Williamsburg and York. On Oct. 8, 2024, FNS approved the addition of Union County to the timely reporting waiver. This amended waiver request includes Berkeley, Charleston, Chesterfield, Clarendon, Darlington, Florence, Georgetown, Horry, Lee, Marlboro and Sumter counties. The waiver is in effect through Oct. 26, 2024.
  • On Oct. 10, 2024, FNS approved the South Carolina DSS request to issue mass replacements to impacted households. This waiver approval allows households to receive replacement of SNAP benefits as stated in the approval due to power outages and flooding as a result of Hurricane Helene that began on Sept. 26, 2024. The waiver approval applies to Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun, Cherokee, Chester, Colleton, Edgefield, Fairfield, Greenville, Greenwood, Hampton, Jasper, Laurens, Lexington, McCormick, Newberry, Oconee, Orangeburg, Pickens, Richland, Saluda, Spartanburg, Union and York counties.
  • On Oct. 8, 2024, FNS approved the South Carolina DSS request to amend the 10-day reporting requirement waiver for food purchased with SNAP benefits that was lost as a result of power outages due to Hurricane Helene that began on Sept. 25, 2024. The initial waiver, approved on Oct. 1, 2024, includes the counties of Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Calhoun, Cherokee, Chester, Colleton, Dillon, Dorchester, Edgefield, Fairfield, Greenville, Greenwood, Hampton, Jasper, Kershaw, Lancaster, Laurens, Lexington, McCormick, Marion, Newberry, Oconee, Orangeburg, Pickens, Richland, Saluda, Spartanburg, Williamsburg and York. This amended waiver request includes Union County. The waiver is still in effect through Oct. 26, 2024.
  • On Oct. 1, 2024, FNS approved the South Carolina DSS request to waive the 10-day reporting requirement for replacement of food purchased with SNAP benefits lost as a result of Hurricane Helene beginning on Sept. 25, 2024. The waiver applies to Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Anderson, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Calhoun, Cherokee, Chester, Colleton, Dillon, Dorchester, Edgefield, Fairfield, Greenville, Greenwood, Hampton, Jasper, Kershaw, Lancaster, Laurens, Lexington, McCormick, Marion, Newberry, Oconee, Orangeburg, Pickens, Richland, Saluda, Spartanburg, Williamsburg and York counties. The waiver is in effect until Oct. 26, 2024.

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

  • On Oct. 8, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) opted into a waiver made available by FNS, which allows the state to waive WIC regulations defining the Maximum Monthly Allowance (MMA) for infant formula for Food Packages I, II, and III and the regulatory requirement for medical documentation for the issuance of noncontract brand infant formula for Food Packages I and II. It is effective through Dec. 31, 2024, or 60 days after the end of the emergency period, whichever occurs first. The waiver is statewide.

Child Nutrition Programs

  • On Sept. 30, 2024, FNS approved the South Carolina Department of Education (DOE) request to provide operational flexibilities in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), NSLP Seamless Summer Option (SSO), and NSLP Afterschool Snack Service throughout the state of South Carolina, due to the impacts of Hurricane Helene. Under NSLP, SBP, and NSLP SSO, program operators in South Carolina are approved to temporarily serve meals and afterschool snacks for reimbursement that do not meet the meal pattern requirements when impacted by Hurricane Helene. Under SFSP, program operators in South Carolina may serve meals without milk during the emergency period. These flexibilities are approved through Oct. 14, 2024, with the expectation that they will only be implemented by program operators when meal service is limited or negatively impacted due to Hurricane Helene.

Incident: Hurricane Idalia

When: Aug. 28, 2023

Child Nutrition Programs

  • On Aug. 30, 2023, FNS approved the South Carolina Department of Education request for flexibilities relating to child nutrition program operations. Under the waiver approval, program operators of the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) may serve meals in a non-congregate setting, allow parent pick-up, adjust the time of meal service, and allow service of meals at school sites due to the unanticipated closures. Additionally, the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) may serve meals in a non-congregate setting, allow parent pick-up, adjust the time of meal service, and are not required to use offer versus serve. FNS expects that flexibilities and exceptions provided will only be implemented by program operators when meal service is limited or negatively impacted due to the ongoing natural disasters and recovery efforts.

Incident: Hurricane Ian

When: Sept. 28, 2022

Child Nutrition Programs

  • On Sept. 29, 2022, FNS approved South Carolina Department of Education’s request to allow school food authorities (SFAs) impacted by Hurricane Ian, to serve meals in a non-congregate setting. Under the waiver approval, SFAs in South Carolina may serve National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) meals in a non-congregate setting, adjust the time of meal service, allow parent pick up, and senior high schools are not required to use offer versus serve at lunch when meal service is impacted by Hurricane Ian. These waivers are available through Oct. 31, 2022.

Incident: Storms

When: April 13, 2020

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • On April 30, FNS approved the South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) request to issue SNAP mass replacements to replace food lost due to power outages resulting from severe thunderstorms and tornados that began on April 13, 2020. The waiver applies to three counties; and specific zip codes in eight counties. This waiver approval allows households in these affected counties and zip codes to receive replacement of 30% of the April 1-12, 2020 SNAP benefit and 20% of the March 23-31, 2020 SNAP benefit.
  • On April 21, FNS approved the South Carolina Department of Social Services’ (DSS) request to waive timely reporting of food loss as a result of severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and power outages that began on April 13, 2020. The waiver allows affected households to make a request for replacement of SNAP benefits through May 14, 2020.

Incident: Hurricane Dorian

When: Sept. 4, 2019

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • On Sept. 17, 2019, FNS approved South Carolina’s request to issue mass replacements in the counties of Berkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester, and the following impacted zip codes in Beaufort County: 29907, 29920, 29926, 29935, and 29940; Colleton County: 29435, 29438, 29446, 29452 and 29474; Dillon County: 29563; Georgetown County: 29440; Horry County: 29568; Orangeburg: 29048, 29133, and 29432; Williamsburg County: 29056; and Williamsburg/Georgetown Counties:29510.

    This waiver allows households in these affected counties and zip codes to receive replacement of 20% for households that were issued benefits between Sept. 1-5, 2019, and 30% for households that were issued benefits between Aug. 19-31, 2019. These replacement SNAP benefits allow households to replace food lost due to power outages and flooding resulting from Hurricane Dorian.
  • On Sept. 7, 2019, FNS approved South Carolina’s request to waive timely reporting of food loss to households in the counties requested. This waiver approval allows households in the affected counties to request a replacement of SNAP benefits through Oct. 7, 2019, to replace food lost due to power outages and flooding resulting from Hurricane Dorian.
Page updated: March 12, 2025