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Elderly Simplified Application Project

Elderly Simplified Application PRoject

The Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP) is a demonstration project that seeks to increase participation among the older adult (60 years or older) low-income population facing barriers to participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). It is designed to increase the efficiency of SNAP and improve delivery of SNAP benefits to eligible households by streamlining the application and certification process.

ESAPs are limited to households where all members are older adults with no earned income, although some projects also include adults with disabilities with no earned income and/or allow children to be present in the household (child-only households are not permitted).

Specifically, the demonstration project waives the recertification interview requirement, allows for greater flexibility in verification, and extends the certification period to 36 months. The waiver is granted for a period of five years.

For a list of states that operate an ESAP, check out USDA’s SNAP State Options Report

States interested in requesting to implement an ESAP can reach out to their FNS regional offices.

Page updated: February 28, 2024