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Evaluation of the Impact of Incentives Demonstrations on Participation in the SFSP: FY 2010 Arkansas and Mississippi

Pursuant to the 2010 Agriculture Appropriations Act, FNS initiated and carried out the Summer Food for Children demonstration project, aimed at preventing food insecurity and hunger among children during summer months. The project includes the “eSFSP” demonstrations, which are testing the impact of a number of enhancements to the existing Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), and the “Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children” (SEBTC) demonstrations, which will test a household-based benefit provided to families with children during the summer months. The eSFSP demonstrations include four separate initiatives, two of which began in summer 2010 with two more planned for launch in summer 2011. This report presents findings from the 2010 eSFSP demonstrations in Arkansas and Mississippi.

Note: Certain figures and corresponding text have been updated to reflect the revised 2010 U.S. Participation Rate. Please see errata sheet for specific changes.

Page updated: January 24, 2025