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SEBTC Demonstration: Evaluation Findings for the Full Implementation Year 2012 Final Report

Resource type
Research and Data
Report to Congress
Research Reports
Research type
Payment Accuracy and Program Integrity
Report to Congress
Resource Materials
PDF Icon Summary (35.76 KB)
PDF Icon Final Report (3.57 MB)
PDF Icon Appendix (5.45 MB)

The Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children (SEBTC) demonstration offered a rigorous test of the impact of providing a monthly benefit of $60 per child - using existing electronic benefit transfer (EBT) systems - on food insecurity among children during the summer when school meals are not available. In the second year of operations, when the demonstration was fully implemented, the evaluation found that this approach could reach up to 75 percent of eligible children and reduce the prevalence of very low food security among children by about one-third.

Page updated: July 29, 2024