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Direct Certification in the NLSP: State Implementation Progress SY 2011-12: Report to Congress

Resource type
Research and Data
Report to Congress
Research Reports
Research type
Payment Accuracy and Program Integrity
Report to Congress
Resource Materials
PDF Icon Summary (111.83 KB)
PDF Icon Final Report (2.23 MB)

Student eligibility for free meals is determined by application or by direct certification. Although direct certification systems vary by State and LEA, all such systems are designed to eliminate the need for paper applications. Effective in SY 2011-12, LEAs must conduct direct certification three times per year: once at or around the start of the school year, and again three and six months after that initial effort. All direct certification systems now match student enrollment lists against SNAP agency records and the records of other assistance agencies whose participants are categorically eligible for free meals. The matching process, whether automated or manual, requires no action by the children’s parents or guardians.

Page updated: July 29, 2024