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Interim Final Rule: SNAP Requirement for National Directory of New Hires Employment Verification and Annual Program Activity Reporting

The Food and Nutrition Service is codifying the requirement for state agencies to verify applicant employment data through the National Directory of New Hires (NDNH) for the determination of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) eligibility and correct amount of benefits, pursuant to section 4013 of the Agricultural Act of 2014. This interim final rule requires that state agencies access employment data through the NDNH at the time of SNAP certification, including recertification, and aims to improve Program integrity by reducing the risk of improper payments due to unreported or misreported income. This rule further amends regulations to change the reporting frequency requirement for the Program and Budget Summary Statement Part B--Program Activity Statement from an annual submission based on the state fiscal year to a quarterly submission based on the federal fiscal year.

Page updated: May 28, 2021