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Food Stamp Program: Administrative Improvement and Simplification Provisions From the Hunger Prevention Act of 1988

This action places into final form an interim Food Stamp Program rule published on June 7, 1989. The interim rulemaking implemented Food Stamp Program provisions contained in the Hunger Prevention Act of 1988. The provisions of that Act addressed in this rule are:

  1. Expanding the definition of disabled;
  2. optional training for volunteer and non-profit organizations;
  3. program information for low-income households;
  4. expanding hardship criteria for waiving of in-office interview;
  5. simplified applications; (
  6. joint applications;
  7. verification;
  8. federally authorized demonstration projects which cash out benefits in other assistance programs;
  9. telephone access to certification offices in order to receive program information or to report changes;
  10. annualizing self- employment income and expenses from farming; and
  11. resource exclusions for farm households in transition from farming.
Page updated: November 02, 2021