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Final Rule: FSP Reauthorization -EBT and Retail Food Stores Provisions of the Food Stamp Reauthorization Act of 2002

This action provides final rulemaking for a proposed rule published May 6, 2003. It revises Food Stamp Program regulations pertaining to the standards for approval of Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) systems, the participation of retail food stores and wholesale food concerns, and the state agency liabilities and federal sanctions.

These changes to the Food Stamp Program's regulations are put forth to implement sections 4108, 4110, 4113 and 4117 of the Food Stamp Reauthorization Act of 2002. These changes will allow the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Department) to use delivery methods other than certified mail when notifying retailers or state agencies of adverse action; permit the Department to approve alternate methods of issuing food stamp benefits during disasters; eliminate the requirement that federal costs for EBT systems cannot exceed the costs of the paper systems they replace; and allow group homes and institutions to redeem EBT benefits directly through banks rather than going through authorized wholesalers or other retailers.

Page updated: May 26, 2021