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SFSP 2018 Reimbursement Rates

This notice informs the public of the annual adjustments to the reimbursement rates for meals served in the Summer Food Service Program for Children. These adjustments address changes in the Consumer Price Index, as required under the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act. The 2018 reimbursement rates are presented as a combined set of rates to highlight simplified cost accounting procedures. The 2018 rates are also presented individually, as separate operating and administrative rates of reimbursement, to show the effect of the Consumer Price Index adjustment on each rate.

Table of 2018 Reimbursement Rates

Presentation of the 2018 maximum per meal rates for meals served to children in SFSP combines the results from the calculations of operational and administrative payments, which are further explained in this notice. The total amount of payments to state agencies for disbursement to SFSP sponsors will be based upon these adjusted combined rates and the number of meals of each type served. These adjusted rates will be in effect from Jan. 1, 2018 through Dec. 31, 2018.

SFSP 2018 Reimbursement Rates
Per meal rates in whole or fractions of U.S. dollarsAll states except Alaska and HawaiiAlaskaHawaii
Rural or self-prep sitesAll other types of sitesRural or self-prep sitesAll other types of sitesRural or self-prep sitesAll other types of sitesAll other types of sites
Lunch or Supper3.92253.85756.36256.26004.59504.5200
Operating Rates

The portion of the SFSP rates for operating costs is based on payment amounts set in section 13(b)(1) of the NSLA, 42 USC 1761 (b)(1). They are rounded down to the nearest whole cent, as required by section 11(a)(3)(B)(iii) of the NSLA, 42 USC 1759a(a)(3)(B)(iii).

SFSP Operating Component of 2018 Reimbursement Rates
Operating rates in U.S. dollars, rounded down to the nearest whole centAll states except Alaska and HawaiiAlaskaHawaii
Lunch or Supper3.555.764.16
Administrative Rates

The administrative cost component of the reimbursement is authorized under section 13(b)(3) of the NSLA, 42 USC 1761 (b)(3). Rates are higher for sponsors of sites located in rural areas and for “self-prep” sponsors that prepare their own meals at the SFSP site or at a central facility instead of purchasing them from vendors. The administrative portion of SFSP rates are adjusted, either up or down, to the nearest quarter-cent.

SFSP Administrative Component of 2018 Reimbursement Rates
Administrative rates in U.S. dollars, adjusted, up or down, to the nearest quarter-centAll states except Alaska and HawaiiAlaskaHawaii
Rural or self-prep sitesAll other types of sitesRural or self-prep sitesAll other types of sitesRural or self-prep sitesAll other types of sitesAll other types of sites
Lunch or Supper0.37250.30750.60250.50000.43500.3600

Authority: Sections 9, 13, and 14, Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act, 42 USC 1758, 1761, and 1762a, respectively.

Page updated: June 25, 2024