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Availability of Funding to Alleviate Emergency Supply Chain Disruption in CSFP

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Policy Memos
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DATE:August 26, 2024
SUBJECT:Availability of Funding to Alleviate Emergency Supply Chain Disruption in the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP)
TO:All FNS Regional Offices
All CSFP Program Directors

This letter is to inform state agencies operating the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), including Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs) and U.S. territories who operate CSFP, of the opportunity to receive funding, in the form of direct cash assistance, for the purchase of domestically grown and produced foods. These funds will enable state agencies to alleviate supply chain challenges and national warehouse delays, which are impacting CSFP inventory levels and more broadly, the availability of a sufficient variety and quantity of food resources for participants.

This use of funds is authorized under the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Charter Act. In accordance with this CCC authority, the funds must be used to purchase agricultural commodities, which includes domestically grown and produced foods for distribution to CSFP participants. Examples and additional information on the allowable uses is provided in Attachment A, Terms and Conditions. The food purchased with the CCC funding is in addition to the CSFP food package items. FNS encourages state agencies to consider the nutritional value and the diversity of inventory prior to purchasing foods with CCC funding.

Every CSFP state agency is being offered a maximum amount of funding based on their 2024 caseload at approximately $50 per caseload slot. The maximum amount of funding each state agency can request is listed in the table in Attachment B.

To receive the CCC funds, state agencies must sign the attached agreement (Attachment C) and return it to FNS at with a carbon copy (cc) to their respective FNS regional office with the total amount they choose to accept as listed in Attachment B. USDA requests return of the attached agreement (Attachment C) by Sept. 6, 2024, in order to allocate the funds as quickly as possible. Agreements returned after this date will be processed as received. A state agency’s acceptance of these funds, indicated by the signed agreement (Attachment C), will serve as acknowledgment of, and agreement with, the conditions in Attachment A. State agencies must have a valid and active registration and funding will be provided to the bank associated with the profile.

Tameka Owens
Acting Administrator
Food and Nutrition Service

Bruce Summers
Agricultural Marketing Service


Page updated: September 30, 2024