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Thank You for Supporting SUN Programs for Kids

As we wrap up the first year of USDA’s expanded Summer Nutrition Programs for Kids, we’re grateful for everyone – state agencies, tribal nations, and the many partners – who made SUN programs a success this year.  

Because of your hard work, SUN Meals, SUN Meals To-Go, and the new SUN Bucks helped millions of kids and teens across the U.S. get the nutrition they needed while school was out. Now those kids are back in school and fueled up for a great year ahead!  

A special shout out to all who helped make SUN Bucks a reality. Standing up this new program in 37 states, D.C., all five U.S. territories, and two tribal nations in its inaugural year took a tremendous amount of effort, collaboration, and innovation. Thank YOU for all you did to ensure no child goes hungry in the summer months.

Everyone has a role to play to help kids get the nutrition they need to reach their full potential and help spread more summer smiles. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Watch this video for a message from Deputy Under Secretary Cindy Long celebrating your successes this summer.

Page updated: September 24, 2024