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SNAP Medical Expenses Handbook

FNS is issuing this guide to clarify who is considered elderly and disabled for purposes of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the requirements and dynamics of the excess medical expenses deduction. 

Under SNAP regulations, households are entitled to a medical expenses deduction from their income calculation if one or more household members are elderly or disabled. Only those medical expenses incurred by the elderly or disabled household member in excess of $35 per month and not paid by insurance or another third party can be deducted.

This guide examines how eligibility workers verify who qualifies as elderly or disabled for purposes of SNAP, determine allowable medical expenses, calculate the actual deduction, and act on reported changes. At the end of key sections, knowledge checks provide the opportunity to check the reader’s understanding by answering questions based on the material covered. Answers are located near the end of the guide. The appendix of this guide contains examples of informational materials written in plain language that can be used to help SNAP clients better understand the medical expenses deduction.

Page updated: February 05, 2024