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FY 2023 PTIG Award Summaries

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Training and Outreach
Resource Materials
FY 2023 Process and Technology Improvement Grant (PTIG) Award Summaries
  • District of Columbia Department of Human Services (DC) – $904,859
    The District of Columbia Department of Human Services will launch Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) bot to process paper documents and add them to SNAP case files. This project will improve internal workflows for caseworkers and improve customer service.
  • North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC) – $673,775
    The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services will develop Remote Identity Proofing (RIDP) for North Carolina’s online client portal, which will improve access to optional online SNAP services for clients by removing the need to go into offices to verify identity for an account. This project will enhance customer service.
  • County of Monterey Department of Social Services (CA) – $858,348
    The County of Monterey Department of Social Services will launch a mobile office to improve SNAP access for underserved and hard-to-reach populations, including migrant farmworkers, victims of natural disasters, individuals without a fixed address, and individuals who live in remote areas. This project will enhance customer service.
  • South Carolina Department of Social Services (SC) – $1,006,468
    The South Carolina Department of Social Services will create a system for real-time Social Security Number validation to reduce manual validation and improve internal workflows for caseworkers; and will provide real-time electronic SNAP case notifications for clients to enhance customer service.
  • Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (OH) – $850,000
    The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services will implement text messaging for reminders and secure case updates. The state agency will also prompt households to fill out SNAP recertification forms and submit verification documents before their recertification interviews. This project will improve internal workflows for caseworkers and improve customer service.
  • Kansas Department for Children and Families (KS) – $706,550
    Kansas Department for Children and Families will automate manual SNAP administrative tasks using Robotic Process Automation (RPA), including case registration, data entry, and creating workflow tasks for caseworkers. This project will improve internal caseworker workflows.
Page updated: September 13, 2024