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Working as a first-line supervisor, mid-level manager, or an executive for the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) provides an opportunity to partner with state and tribal governments who administer the 15 federal nutrition assistance programs. Collectively, these programs serve one in four Americans during the course of a year.

At FNS our managers work with a dedicated staff of employees who develop and interpret policy, ensure integrity through compliance reviews, ensure the success of our business operations, and provide nutrition education and technical assistance. Our management team works to support our Program Specialists, Nutritionists, Data Analysts, Grants Management Specialists, Public Affairs Specialists, and others. The primary job of our employees is to ensure the proper administration of federal programs and funding and to guarantee all people have equal access to our programs.

Our managers also serve as technical experts and provide technical assistance and training on a wide range of topics including child nutrition, financial management, and much more. Leaders at FNS tackle challenging projects that truly reduce hunger across America.

Learn more at

Page updated: December 29, 2023