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Cooperative Agreement to Improve WIC Participation and Retention through Community Outreach Webinar

On May 31, 2022, USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service announced a $20 million cooperative agreement opportunity for an academic or nonprofit organization to improve participation and retention in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, commonly known as WIC.

The WIC Community Innovation and Outreach Cooperative Agreement (or “CIAO,” as we’re calling it) is designed to test new ways of reaching out to potential and current WIC participants. FNS will provide the selected organization with funding to provide sub-grants to WIC state and local agencies, community organizations, and other nonprofits to test community-based outreach strategies in increasing WIC participation and retention. It will also expand partnerships with community-based organizations to connect underserved populations with WIC benefits and services.

Applications for the cooperative agreement are due by August 1 and application requirements are available on Please send any questions about this opportunity to Patrice Williams at


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Page updated: March 14, 2023