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TEFAP Fresh Produce

To help those most in need receive healthy, fresh foods, USDA offers boxes of pre-packed, mixed fresh produce though The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), in addition to the single varieties that are already available to order. For more information on participating as a vendor in this program please visit the USDA AMS website.

This factsheet provides information on the TEFAP Fresh Produce initiative including a description of the fresh produce boxes and ordering information.

This factsheet provides information on receiving deliveries of TEFAP Fresh Produce including delivery appointments, delivery, receipting, inspections, storage and distribution.

Upon receipt of TEFAP Fresh Produce, organizations will confirm delivery in Web Based Supply Chain Management (WBSCM) through the Enter Shipment Receipt transaction. General guidance and step-by-step instructions for entering and modifying shipment receipts is available.

Page updated: July 09, 2024