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Quality Control Due Date Extension for December 2019 through February 2020 Case Reviews

DATE: March 19, 2020
SUBJECT: 2200008 – Quality Control Due Date Extension for December 2019 through February 2020 Case Reviews
TO: Regional Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Directors Food and Nutrition Service

This message responds to state requests to extend the due dates for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Quality Control (QC) cases. States have reported that social distancing measures in response to Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) are making it difficult to gather required verification information from businesses and collateral contacts needed to complete and submit cases selected for QC review within 115 days from the end of the sample month, in accordance with SNAP regulations at 7 CFR 275.21(b)(2).

The Secretary is exercising the option provided in SNAP regulations at 7 CFR 275.21(b)(2) to grant states additional time to dispose of individual QC cases. States will be given an additional 45 days to report the findings of all cases selected for the December 2019, January 2020 and February 2020 sample months without the need to provide a separate justification as required at 7 CFR 275.21(b)(4). States will retain their ability to arbitrate as long as cases are submitted by the new 160 day deadline.

Please provide this information to your states. States must send a separate notification to their regional office to take advantage of this due date extension. States may continue to submit cases as they are completed and do not need to wait for the extended deadline if they are able to obtain sufficient information to complete a case following the guidelines in the FNS Handbook 310.

Ronald K. Ward
Program Accountability and Administration Division
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Page updated: November 22, 2023

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