There are no active disaster response efforts.
Past Responses
- 2024
Incident: Severe Storms and Tornadoes
When: May 24, 2024
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
- On June 20, 2024, FNS approved Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) request to operate Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) in eight counties due to impact of severe storms, strong winds, flooding, and tornadoes that began on May 24, 2024. A major disaster declaration designed Baxter, Benton, Boone, Fulton, Greene, Madison, Marion and Randolph counties as eligible for federal individual assistance as of June 12, 2024. The state will operate D-SNAP in defined zip codes in the following 8 counties: Baxter (72653, 72654, 72653, 72531), Benton (72722, 72756, 72757, 72758), Boone (72601), Fulton (72576, 72531), Greene (72450, 72451), Madison (72738, 72740), Marion (72601, 72602, 72687), and Randolph (72455, 72460).The state plans to operate D-SNAP from June 24, 2024, through June 30, 2024.
- 2023
Incident: Tornadoes
When: March 31, 2023
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
- On April 28, 2023, FNS approved the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) extension request to waive the statutory definition of "food" under Section 3(k)(1) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended, and companion regulations at 7 CFR 271.2. The waiver applies to the following 3 counties: Cross, Lonoke and Pulaski. This waiver extension approval will allow SNAP households to purchase hot foods with SNAP benefits through May 2, 2023, in order to increase access to food after power outages as a result of tornadoes. Retailers may need as much as 24-36 hours to make changes that will allow for the extended sale of hot foods.
- On April 21, 2023, FNS approved the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) request to waive the 10-day reporting requirement for replacement of food purchased with SNAP benefits that was lost as a result of power outages due to tornadoes that began on March 31, 2023. The waiver request applies to Cross, Lonoke and Pulaski counties. The waiver is in effect through May 2, 2023.
- On April 21, 2023, FNS approved the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) request to operate Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) in three counties due to the impact of tornadoes that began on March 31, 2023. A major disaster declaration designated Cross, Lonoke and Pulaski counties as eligible for federal individual assistance on April 2, 2023. The D-SNAP approval is limited to sixteen (16) zip codes within the three counties. In Pulaski County: 72205, 72206, 72207, 72212, 72223, 72227, 72113,72117, 72118, 72142, 72211, 72076 and 72120. In Lonoke County: 72023. In Cross County: 72373 and 72396. The state will operate the D-SNAP from April 26 through May 2, 2023.
- On April 7, 2023, FNS approved the Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) request to waive the statutory definition of "food" under Section 3(k)(1) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended, and companion regulations at 7 CFR 271.2. The waiver applies to the Cross, Lonoke and Pulaski counties. This waiver approval allows SNAP households to purchase hot foods with SNAP benefits through April 30, 2023, in order to increase access to food after power outages as a result of severe storms and tornadoes. Retailers may need as much as 24-36 hours to make changes that will allow for sale of hot foods.
- On April 6, 2023, FNS approved the Arkansas Department of Human Services, Division of County Operations (DCO) request to waive the 10-day reporting requirement for replacement of food purchased with SNAP benefits that was lost as a result of power outages due to tornadoes that began on March 31, 2023. The waiver request applies to households in the three counties of Cross, Lonoke and Pulaski. The waiver is in effect through May 1, 2023.
Child Nutrition Programs
- On April 8, 2023, FNS approved Arkansas Department of Education request for waivers relating to Child Nutrition Program operations impacted by a tornado on March 31, 2023. Under the waiver approval, during unanticipated school closures, Wynne School District may serve meals through the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)or National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Seamless Summer Option (SSO) in a non-congregate setting, adjust the time of meal service, allow parent pick up, and serve meals at school sites. These non-congregate meals may be provided as bulk meals, where five days of lunches and breakfasts are served at one time. These waivers are approved through April 30, 2023, with the expectation that they will only be implemented when necessary.
- On April 8, 2023, FNS approved Arkansas Department of Education request for waivers relating to Child Nutrition Program operations impacted by a tornado on March 31, 2023. Under the waiver approval, when students are unable to eat in a congregate setting due school buildings being closed, and students are learning in an alternate location, Wynne School District may serve National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) meals in a non-congregate setting, adjust the time of meal service, allow parent pick up, and senior high schools are not required to use offer versus serve at lunch. These non-congregate meals may be provided as bulk meals, where five days of lunches and breakfasts are served at one time. These waivers are approved through June 30, 2023, with the expectation that they will only be implemented when necessary. Additionally, the school district may temporarily serve meals for reimbursement that do not meet the meal pattern requirements. FNS expects that this exception will only be implemented when meal requirements cannot be met due to the impact of the tornado.
The Emergency Food Assistance Program
- On April 7, 2023, FNS approved the Arkansas Department of Human Services request to use USDA Foods from The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) to operate a disaster household distribution in Cross and Pulaski counties. This request is in response to food assistance needs resulting from a major disaster declaration due to severe storms and tornadoes causing extensive damage to homes. The disaster household distribution food package will be provided to approximately 7,000 individuals beginning on April 7, 2023. The boxes will be distributed at TEFAP distribution sites and mobile distribution in Cross and Pulaski counties. The disaster household package will contain mixed produce and oranges.
- 2022
Incident: Severe Storms and Tornadoes
When: Dec. 10, 2021
Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP)
- On Jan. 27, 2022, FNS approved Arkansas's modified request to operate D-SNAP in 2 additional zip codes within the original 5 counties in response to the impact of the severe storms, straight-line winds, flooding and tornadoes that began on Dec. 10, 2021. A major disaster declaration with authorization for federal individual assistance was issued on Dec. 23, 2021. FNS approved Arkansas's request to operate in the following counties: Craighead, Jackson, Mississippi, Poinsett and Woodruff.
- On Jan. 21, 2022, FNS approved Arkansas's request to operate D-SNAP in 5 counties in response to the impact of the severe storms, straight-line winds, flooding and tornadoes that began on Dec.10, 2021. A major disaster declaration with authorization for federal individual assistance was issued on Dec. 23, 2021. FNS approved Arkansas's request to operate in the following counties: Craighead, Jackson, Mississippi, Poinsett and Woodruff.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
- On Jan. 6, 2022, FNS approved Arkansas Department of Human Services' request to waive the 10-day reporting requirement for replacement of food purchased with SNAP benefits that was lost as a result of power outages, tornados and thunderstorms that began on Dec. 10 through 13, 2021. The waiver applies to counties of Craighead, Jackson, Mississippi, Poinsett and Woodruff. The waiver will be in effect through Jan. 18, 2022.
Disaster Household Distribution
- On Jan. 3, 2022, FNS approved Arkansas' use of USDA Foods for disaster household distribution, in response to food assistance needs resulting from the Presidentially declared disaster in Arkansas due to severe storms and tornadoes. The disaster household distribution food package will be provided to 2,500 individuals in 5 counties (Craighead, Poinsett, Jackson, Mississippi and Woodruff). Approval for disaster household distribution is granted starting Jan. 7, 2022, or until D-SNAP is implemented.
- 2019
Incident: Flooding
When: May 21, 2019
Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
- On July 12, 2019, FNS approved Arkansas' request to expand D-SNAP to 1 additional county in response to recent flooding. FNS approves Arkansas' request to expand D-SNAP operation to Lincoln County. D-SNAP operations will run for 5 consecutive days, beginning Monday, July 15 through Friday, July 19. The state agency will issue supplemental benefits to ongoing SNAP households that request them via affidavit. This expansion is otherwise subject to the same conditions and procedures in the initial D-SNAP approved by FNS on June 21, 2019.
- On June 20, 2019, FNS approved Arkansas' request to operate a Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) in 12 counties as a result of major flooding which began on May 21, 2019. Households must have experienced a disaster related adverse effect to receive D-SNAP, but are not eligible if they experienced food loss alone. The state plans to operate starting June 24, 2019, for five consecutive days in the following 12 counties: Arkansas, Conway, Crawford, Desha, Faulkner, Jefferson, Logan, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Sebastian and Yell. The state agency will issue supplemental benefits to ongoing households that request them via affidavit.