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Lunch line
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FNS Announces $26 Million of Investments in School Meal Programs

FNS today announced $26 million in new grants to support schools’ efforts to serve nutritious and delicious foods to students. Headlining the new investments are nearly $6.5 million in grants that will increase healthy foods in the school meals marketplace by supporting collaboration between schools, food producers and suppliers, and other partners.

image of a healthy school lunch tray
News Item
Biden-Harris Administration Announces New School Meal Standards to Strengthen Child Nutrition

Secretary Tom Vilsack announced major steps to promote the health of America’s children through school meals. Nutrition standards for school meals will be gradually updated to include less sugar and flexibility with menu planning between Fall 2025 and Fall 2027. The Department arrived at these changes after listening closely to public feedback and considering the latest science-based recommendations from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 

Children at camp eating at a picnic table.
News Item
Join the Challenge: Grant Opportunities Now Open

The USDA Northeast Region announced today two new grant opportunities available through the School Food System Transformation Challenge Sub-Grants, part of USDA’s Healthy Meals Incentives Initiative.

students around a table eating lunch at school
News Item
USDA Expands Access to School Breakfast and Lunch for More Students

USDA today announced that it is giving an estimated 3,000 more school districts in high-need areas the option to serve breakfast and lunch to all students at no cost, by expanding the availability of the Community Eligibility Provision, commonly known as CEP.

FNS Disaster  Response
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USDA Provee Alivio a Hogares Impactados por Huracán Fiona

El Servicio de Alimentos y Nutrición (Food and Nutrition Service o FNS, por sus siglas en inglés) del Departamento de Agricultura Estadounidense (USDA) continúa colaborando con la isla de Puerto Rico para abordar las necesidades de los residentes luego de azotar el Huracán Fiona.

puerto rico's flag and groceries
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USDA Thrifty Food Plan Increase Means More Nutrition Assistance Funding for Puerto Rico

Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) announced a 23% increase, or $463.8 million in annual funding for nutrition assistance in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.  In fiscal year 2022, which starts Oct. 1, 2021, the Commonwealth will receive $2.5 billion grant for the Puerto Rico Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP). In fiscal year 2021, Puerto Rico received $2.038 billion for NAP. 

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Aumento en el Plan Económico de Alimentos “Thrifty” del USDA resultará en más fondos para la asistencia nutricional en Puerto Rico

Hoy el Servicio de Alimentos y Nutrición del Departamento de Agricultura de los EE.UU. (USDA, por sus siglas en inglés) anunció un aumento de 23%, o $463.8 millones en fondos anuales para la asistencia nutricional en Puerto Rico. En el año fiscal 2022, que comienza el 1 de octubre de 2021, Puerto Rico recibirá una subvención de $2.5 billones para el Programa de Asistencia Nutricional (PAN). En el año fiscal 2021, Puerto Rico recibió $2.038 billones para el PAN.  

Page updated: February 09, 2021