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Funding Opportunity #

Summer EBT Technology Grants

FNS is providing $100 million for Summer EBT Technology Grants. The funding authority is provided by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024, PL 118-42 (138 STAT 92). This funding is being offered noncompetitively through an equitable allocation to all Summer EBT coordinating agencies that implemented Summer EBT in Summer 2024 and plan to continue the program in Summer 2025, as well as those Summer EBT coordinating agencies which plan to newly implement the Program in Summer 2025.

There are several Summer EBT statutory and regulatory requirements that will require a robust technology infrastructure at the state level. Investments in systems are critical to support effective and accurate enrollment and benefit delivery to the more than 30 million children expected to participate when Summer EBT is fully implemented.

It is essential to support sound investments in Summer EBT technology infrastructure from the beginning to establish a long-term and sustainable program that operates with the proper controls. These Summer EBT Technology Grants will provide states significant resources, over and above Summer EBT administrative funding, for important technology investments. These grants must only be used for Summer EBT related technology costs and are not subject to any administrative match requirements.

In, click on preview link under download instructions to see the NOFA and the package tab to obtain the required and optional forms.


Page updated: August 07, 2024