FY 2021 SNAP Process and Technology Improvement Grants
The FY 2021 application submission period is now closed.
This grant competition supports efforts by state agencies and their community-based and faith-based partners to develop and implement projects that focus on improving the quality and efficiency of SNAP operations and processes. The FY 2021 RFA is available on Grants.gov. A two-page infographic on the history of the grant competition from 2013 to 2019 can be found here.
Critical Dates for FY 2021 Process and Technology Improvement Grants (PTIG)
April 23, 2021 | Request For Application posted on Grants.gov |
May 6, 2021, 3 pm EST | Click here to view the webinar #1 recording and PowerPoint |
May 14, 2021, 2 pm EST | Click here to view the webinar #2 recording and PowerPoint |
June 22, 2021 | Applications due to Grants.gov |
September 2021 | PTIGs awarded |
Who May Apply
- The 53 state agencies that administer the SNAP;
- State or local governments;
- Agencies providing health or welfare services;
- Public health or educational entities; and
- Private nonprofit entities such as community-based or faith-based organizations, food banks, or other emergency feeding organizations.
An eligible entity that received a Process and Technology Improvement Grant award last fiscal year (FY 2020) is ineligible to apply this fiscal year (FY 2021). This only applies to the lead entity on the award (i.e., the recipient whose name appears in block 9 of the awarded project’s FNS-529) and not to partner organizations or government agencies on a particular project.
Funding and Duration
Contingent on the availability of funds, FNS plans to award up to $5 million in SNAP Process and Technology Improvement Grants once each fiscal year. FNS awards these grants through a competitive process. Grantees are allowed to use the grant funds for the duration of the three-year project period. FNS anticipates awarding between 6 and 11 Process and Technology Improvement Grants.
FNS reminds applicants that the submission of a proposal does not guarantee funding. Funding for approved grants will be provided through the Grant Award/Letter of Credit process, in the same manner as other funds, upon receipt of a properly executed Grant Agreement and subject to the availability of funding. All SNAP Process and Technology Improvement Grant funds must be obligated and all activities under the Grant must be completed by end of the project period, Sept. 30, 2021, through Sept. 30, 2024.
If the activities funded under this grant are part of a larger eligibility system project with total projected costs exceeding $6 million, an Advance Planning Document (APD) must be submitted and approved prior to the expenditure of these grant funds.
If the proposed project funded with this grant benefits other programs in addition to SNAP, then the costs must be allocated appropriately between all of the benefiting programs. This grant funding can only be used for SNAP’s share of the costs.
Application for Federal Assistance Forms
- SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance
- SF-424A Budget Information
- SF-424B Assurances - Non-Construction Programs
- SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities