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Federal Register RIN

RIN Description Publication Date
0584-AE57 Reopening of Comment Period: SNAP Requirements for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents

This proposed rule seeks to amend the regulatory standards by which USDA evaluates state Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program agency requests to waive the time limit and to end the unlimited carryover of able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD) percentage exemptions.  FNS seeks to reopen the comment period on April 8, 2019, for a period of 3 days ending April 10, 2019.

0584-AE57 Proposed Rule: SNAP Requirements for Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents

The proposed rule would encourage broader application of the statutory ABAWD work requirement, consistent with the Administration's focus on fostering self-sufficiency.

0584-AE57 SNAP: Requirements and Services for Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents

The Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 limits the amount of time an able-bodied adult without dependents (ABAWD) can receive SNAP benefits to 3 months in a 36-month period, unless the individual is working and/or participating in a work program half-time or more, or participating in workfare.

Page updated: May 12, 2023