Local Foods in the Summer Food Service Program
Summer is a fantastic time of year to add variety to keep meals tasting great. In many regions across the United States, USDA’s Summer Food Service Program aligns well with the peak growing season, allowing schools and nonprofit organizations to serve products in their freshest state.
There are numerous benefits to “bringing the farm” to summer feeding sites. Households can increase participation by improving the quality of meals and keeping kids engaged through hands-on activities. Schools can develop continuous, year-round farm to school programming, and test out cooking techniques and recipes using local foods. Regional producers benefit from a reliable outlet for their products during the summer months. And kids and teens get fresh, healthy meals and participate in activities at meals sites, staying nourished and engaged while school is out.
- Farm to Summer Fact Sheet - Summer meal program tips on incorporating local foods and agriculture-based activities.
- Local Foods and Related Activities in Summer Meal Programs (SP07 SFSP07-2016) - This policy memo provides guidance on the incorporation of local foods and nutrition and agriculture-based activities into summer meal programs. Published Nov. 12, 2015.
- Procuring Local Foods for Child Nutrition Programs - This resource covers procurement basics, defining local, where to find local products, and the variety of ways child nutrition program operators can purchase locally in accordance with regulations.
- USDA Farm to School Grant Program - Planning, implementation, and support service grants can support the integration of local foods and complementary activities into school-based SFSP.
- USDA Farm to School Census- Locate schools that include local foods in their SFSP.
Videos and Webinars
- Summer Meals Shorts - Summer is the perfect time to tap into the local harvest! Find out how Green Mountain Farm-to-School’s The Lunchbox is connecting with local farmers to serve summer meals that are brimming with fresh, seasonal foods.
- Local Foods and Enriching Activities in Summer Meal Programs - This webinar provides an overview of farm to summer activities, resources, and a snapshot of how two state agencies have had success in “bringing the farm” to summer meal programs in their states.
Partner Resources
- Growing Gardens - A Portland, OR organization guide on maintaining school gardens during the summer months.
- FRAC Report - "Fresh from the Farm: Using Local Foods in the Afterschool and Summer Nutrition Programs", a report on extending farm to school in other child nutrition programs.
- CA Summer Meal Coalition - Farm to Summer website, including a webinar on how to continue local sourcing when school is out.