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Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations Using American Community Survey Data to Expand Access to School Meals Programs

This is a report of the National Academies' National Research Council, Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT), which was commissioned by the USDA Food and Nutrition Service. It is available here by permission. It may also be obtained through the National Research Council's website. This is the final version of the report. An earlier, prepublication version was made available in May 2012, but should no longer be used. This final version includes some important corrections.

Resource | Research and Data | Payment Accuracy and Program Integrity Direct Certification in the NLSP: State Implementation Progress SY 2011-12: Report to Congress

Student eligibility for free meals is determined by application or by direct certification. Although direct certification systems vary by State and LEA, all such systems are designed to eliminate the need for paper applications. Effective in SY 2011-12, LEAs must conduct direct certification three times per year: once at or around the start of the school year, and again three and six months after that initial effort. All direct certification systems now match student enrollment lists against SNAP agency records and the records of other assistance agencies whose participants are categorically eligible for free meals. The matching process, whether automated or manual, requires no action by the children’s parents or guardians.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations School Food Purchase Study-III: Nutritional Characteristics of School Food Acquisitions

The most recent School Food Purchase Study provides national estimates of the types, amounts, and costs of foods acquired by public school districts participating in the National School Lunch Program during school year 2009/10. It also includes a comprehensive analysis of the nutritional characteristics of foods acquired by these school districts. This report presents findings about the calories, nutrients, and food groups available for use in school meals and other school food programs, including a la carte foods, and the extent to which school food acquisitions are consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and associated food guidance system.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations School Food Purchase Study III

This is the third study that provides national estimates of the type, quantity, dollar value and unit price of food acquisitions by public school districts participating in the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. The study examines the overall changes in the composition of the entire school food market basket including foods purchases for a la carte sales and the relative importance of donated USDA Foods. It also provides insight into the relationship between district characteristics, purchasing practices, and food costs.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations Addressing Child Hunger and Obesity in Indian Country: Report to Congress

This report responds to the requirement found in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 and summarizes hunger, obesity, and Type II diabetes among American Indian and Alaska Native children living on or near reservations or other tribal lands. The report provides a summary of the most current available statistics on hunger, obesity, and Type II diabetes among children living in Indian Country and offers comparable statistics for the general population. It also describes how USDA federal nutrition assistance programs serve children in Indian Country and how provisions of the HHFKA and other recent initiatives may improve those services.

Page updated: August 12, 2024