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Data & Research

Resource | Research and Data | Report to Congress Update to Feasibility Study of Implementing USDA’s SNAP in Puerto Rico

Congress directed FNS to update findings on administrative, operational, and program integrity changes needed to update Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP) to SNAP as presented in the 2010 USDA report, Implementing Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in Puerto Rico: A Feasibility Study and develop a detailed implementation plan for reestablishing SNAP in Puerto Rico. The study findings are presented in a report and an implementation plan. 

Resource | Research and Data | Breastfeeding WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study 2 (ITFPS-2): Fifth Year Report

The WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study 2 (WIC ITFPS-2)/ “Feeding My Baby” Study  is the only national study to capture data on caregivers and their children over the first 5 years of the child’s life after enrollment in WIC, regardless of their continued participation in the program. This report focuses on the dietary intake patterns, eating behaviors, and weight status of children during the fifth year of life. The report also examines associations between WIC participation and key diet and health-related outcomes.

Resource | Research and Data | Food/Nutrient Analysis Indicators of Diet Quality, Nutrition, and Health for Americans by Program Participation Status, 2011–2016: USDA NSLP Report

This study used 2011–2016 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data to examine the relationship between estimated program participation, diet quality, indicators of nutrition and health, food consumption patterns, and nutrient intakes. 

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations Expanding Opportunities and Reducing Barriers to Work: Final Summary Report (Evaluation of SNAP E&T Pilots)

Section 4022 of the Agricultural Act of 2014 authorized and funded the SNAP employment and training pilots and the evaluation. The final summary report presents findings drawn from the 10 pilot-specific final evaluation reports. The pilot-specific final reports and issue briefs on lessons from the pilots on administering and delivering services in SNAP E&T programs are also available.

Resource | Research and Data | Impacts/Evaluations Maternal and Child Health Outcomes Associated with WIC

The U.S. Department for Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's report “Maternal and Child Health Outcomes Associated with WIC reviews evidence on whether participation in WIC is associated with nutrition and health outcomes for women and children.

Resource | Research and Data | General/Other Completed Peer Review Plans and Reports

List of FNS completed peer review plans and reports. 

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations The Use of State Administrative Data to Improve SNAP Eligibility Estimates: Findings and Recommendations from an Expert Panel

FNS has historically estimated the participation rate of SNAP by using Census data and samples of SNAP administrative data, but modeling SNAP eligibility using survey data has a number of challenges. In response, FNS, the Economic Research Service, and the Census Bureau sought potential solutions to these issues by linking Census survey data with monthly administrative records at the person level.

Resource | Research and Data | Participation Characteristics Trends in USDA SNAP Participation Rates: FY 2016-2019

This report is the latest in a series on SNAP participation rates, which estimate the proportion of people eligible for benefits under federal income and asset rules to those who actually participate in the program. This report presents rates for FY 2019, comparing them to rates for FY 2016-19 and showing participation rates by household characteristics.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations Community Eligibility Provision Characteristics Study, SY 2016-17

This Community Eligibility Provision Characteristics study is the first comprehensive study since CEP became available nationwide in SY 2014-15. The study was designed to provide USDA with information about the impact of CEP and includes both an implementation and impact component.

Resource | Research and Data | Assessing/Improving Operations Direct Certification With Medicaid for Free and Reduced-Price Meals Demonstration, SY 2019-20

This report examines the impact of using Medicaid data to directly certify students for free and reduced-price school meals in the NSLP and SBP in fifteen states in school year 2019-20. It assesses outcomes related to certification, participation, federal reimbursement, and state administrative costs in SY 2019-20 and over the course of the demonstration.

Page updated: August 12, 2024