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CSFP Sharing Gallery: Toolkits

This gallery features a variety of toolkits that have been developed by non-profit organizations or government agencies to assist CSFP program operators in providing nutrition-related content to their participants. Toolkits can be used to access a collection of resources that may include lesson plans, activities, presentations, and/or handouts on a specific targeted subject matter.

Association for Community Living Logo

Senior Nutrition Program Community Tools (PDF, 194 KB)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living
This activity is a spin on the game Pictionary and can be played in congregate settings to increase socialization among older adults.

Association for Community Living Logo

Tele or Virtual Nutrition Education for Older Adults (PDF 380 KB)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, National Resource Center on Nutrition and Aging
This resource is for educators that work with older adults and it provides best practices on how to conduct tele or virtual nutrition education.

Bean Basics Toolkit

Bean Basics Toolkit
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service
This document provides an overview of beans, including their nutritional benefits, how to use them, and creative recipes.

plate with images of food with a side of beverages and a knife and fork

MyPlate for Older Adults
Tufts University
MyPlate for Older Adults provides examples of foods that fit into a healthy well balanced diet. Handouts are available in English or Spanish. A video, tips, and handouts are available for use.

Screenshot of homepage

California Department of Social Services and Leah's Pantry
A mobile-friendly website that provides inspiration and tools for the CalFresh (SNAP) population. It features easy, low-cost recipes; health tips; food discovery information; Ask a Dietitian; local resources; weekly health tips via text message and email; and link to the Mini Course, an online direct education intervention. is available in English, Spanish, and Chinese.

Screenshot of Eat Smart, Live Strong Leader's Guide

Eat Smart, Live Strong
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service
Eat Smart, Live Strong is an intervention designed to improve fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity among 60-74 year olds participating in or eligible for FNS nutrition assistance programs. This resource was originally released in 2008 and was updated in 2013.

safe and healthy food pantries project logo

Safe and Healthy Food Pantry Project
University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension
The Safe & Healthy Food Pantries Project was developed to provide food pantries with guidance on how to improve the nutritional quality and safety of their food inventories. The full project guide offers food pantries with the opportunity to learn the latest research, assess their current practices, review strategies, and develop an action plan to improve the nutrition and safety of the foods they provide to families.

Interested in contributing content to the CSFP Sharing Gallery? Please review our inclusion criteria for submitting materials. Send your toolkits to

FNS facilitated the development of this sharing gallery. Materials placed here do not reflect the policies of FNS, and FNS does not conduct thorough reviews of materials submitted for placement here.

Page updated: March 03, 2025