This gallery contains cookbooks and recipes that specifically target participants of CSFP and older adults. Resources have been developed by non-profit organizations, state agencies, and the USDA. Cookbooks and recipes can be used to provide participants with ideas on how to utilize foods found in their CSFP food package.
United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service
Consumers can also access over a thousand healthy, budget-friendly recipes through the MyPlate Kitchen available in English and Spanish.

National Commodity Supplemental Food Program Association
“Stockbox Cookbook: Meals You Can Make with Ingredients from the Commodity Supplemental Food Program” contains numerous recipes that use USDA Foods found in the monthly CSFP food package.

Connecticut Department of Health
This virtual cookbook provides a variety of recipes that can be used with the CSFP food package. It is available in English and Spanish.

Utah CSFP Outside the Box Cookbook
Utah Food Bank
A collection of recipes developed by the Utah Food Bank to use with the CSFP food package. This cookbook is also available in Spanish.
United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service
The SNAP-Ed Recipes page provides links to many partners which have recipes that are healthy and affordable. In addition, you will find a seasonal recipes section. Search for recipes that use in-season fruits and vegetables all year long!
Interested in contributing recipes or cookbooks to the CSFP sharing gallery? Please review our inclusion criteria and recipe criteria and send your materials to for consideration.
FNS facilitated the development of this sharing gallery. Materials placed here do not reflect the policies of FNS, and FNS does not conduct thorough reviews of materials submitted for placement here.