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CSFP Sharing Gallery: Photos and Videos

This gallery contains photo albums and videos from CSFP program sites, non-profits, and government agencies. Photos can be used to add visual appeal to presentations and handouts, or on social media messaging and websites. Videos can be used as part of a larger training or presentation or to provide inspiration and ideas to CSFP program participants.

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My Groceries to Go
FNS Mid-Atlantic Regional Office
In May 2022, FNS Mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator Dr. Patty Bennett joined Maryland Department of Aging (MDOA) Deputy Secretary Bernice Hutchinson and other nutrition partners at Sandtown Winchester Senior Center in West Baltimore to promote “My Groceries to Go,” the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) in Maryland. The event, hosted as part of Older Americans Month, celebrated the partnership between FNS, Meals on Wheels, and The Salvation Army. It also showcased resources provided by the Baltimore City Health Department’s Division of Aging and Care Services and MDOA for older adults that complement CSFP enrollments.

Screenshot of MyPlate Video Playlist

MyPlate Kitchen Recipes
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service
MyPlate Kitchen has over 16 recipe videos showing how to prepare healthy, budget-friendly recipes.

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MyPlate Grocery Store Tour
University of Connecticut
Come on a grocery store tour with the SNAP4CT Dietitians to find the healthiest and most economical MyPlate food choices.

screenshot of SNAP-Ed recipe videos site

SNAP-Ed Recipe Video Collections
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service
SNAP-Ed Partners across the country have created hundreds of quick and easy-to-follow recipe videos. Visit these SNAP-Ed sites to check out videos with step-by-step instructions to help everyone become a cooking champion!

Video still of exercise class

Go4Life Exercise Videos
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging
The NIA's YouTube channel has free workout videos that are made specifically for older adults.

a woman receives a hug from Focus HOPE employee

CSFP Photo Album
United States Department of Agriculture
This photo album showcases CSFP operations and nutrition education activities at Focus: HOPE in Detroit, Cumberland Community Cares Food Pantry in Virginia, and Seminole Nation of Oklahoma.

Interested in contributing content to the CSFP sharing gallery? Please review our inclusion criteria for submitting materials. Send your photos and videos to

FNS facilitated the development of this sharing gallery. Materials placed here do not reflect the policies of FNS, and FNS does not conduct thorough reviews of materials submitted for placement here. 

Page updated: February 10, 2025