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Funding Opportunity #

Child Nutrition School Breakfast Program Expansion Grant for U.S. States and the District of Columbia

The Child Nutrition Act of 1966, Section 23 (42 USC 1793), as amended by Section 105 of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (PL 111-296), authorizes funds to provide grants on a competitive basis to state agencies. Eight million dollars has been appropriated for state agencies to expand the School Breakfast Program (SBP).

The purpose of the SBP expansion grants is to provide sub-grants, to local educational agencies (LEAs), not to exceed $10,000 per year for each school or group of qualifying schools, to establish, maintain, or expand the SBP. As defined in Section 4(d)(1) of the Act, the term “qualifying school” means a school in severe need. These include only schools (having an SBP or desiring to initiate a SBP) in which 40 percent or more of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) lunches served to students at the school were served free or at a reduced price.

Grant Awards (September 2021)

District of Columbia - $2,000,000

To increase student participation, the DC Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) plans to subgrant 100% of their SBP Expansion Grant funds to up to 100 schools in severe need via a competitive process. Subgrantees will submit applications proposing how they will increase participation in the School Breakfast Program using at least one of three strategies: (1) improved nutritional content and meal quality, (2) enhanced food service environments, and (3) establishment and strengthening of alternative serving models. For additional information on this project, contact Liz Leach at

Michigan - $1,999,616

The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) will build on existing efforts to increase school breakfast participation by providing two rounds of SBP subgrants to LEAs. MDE will target LEAs with schools that are identified as "severe need" using the definition provided in the RFA. Subgrantee applications will be accepted using an electronic system. MDE will also use a portion of the funds to hire a School Breakfast Consultant to oversee the management of subgrants. This limited term position will be responsible for (1) overseeing the subgrant application process, (2) organizing two virtual rallies to help LEAs and schools increase breakfast participation, increase nutritional content, and/or quality of food served in their breakfast programs, (3) providing technical assistance to subgrant recipients, (4) monitoring of sub-recipient activities, and (5) ensuring grant objectives are met. For additional information on this project, contact Diane Golzynski at

South Carolina - $1,999,927

To equip their LEAs and schools with the resources needed and increase school breakfast participation, the South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) Office of Health and Nutrition (OHN) will administer a subgrant process to 43 previously-identified LEAs with schools in severe need, each of which will select and implement an evidence-based method for improving breakfast participation in their qualifying schools (e.g., grab-and-go style service, breakfast in the classroom, universal breakfast programs, or distributing promotional materials). SCDE OHN staff, including a grant-funded project assistant, will help LEAs determine appropriate methods, provide training and technical assistance, and monitor subgrantees through monthly expenditure and progress reports, administrative reviews, and annual visits. For additional information on this project, contact Donna Davis at

Wisconsin - $1,997,999

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has focused their efforts on improving their SBP participation rates and they plan to use the SBP Expansion Grant funds to build on their progress by sub-granting funds to schools to establish or expand School Breakfast Programs, to promote breakfast within the school community, to integrate breakfast into the school day by encouraging schools to adopt different breakfast service models, and to enhance the nutritional quality of foods served by increasing the number of meat/meat alternate menu items and by offering more scratch-made hot meals and/or local foods. DPI will award subgrants with a focus on the most at-risk school populations so schools can provide more students with access to nutritious breakfasts, thereby fostering better student health and education outcomes. For additional information on this project, contact Jessica Sharkus at

Page updated: January 11, 2024