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Resource | Federal Register Notices Proposed Rule: Improving Access and Parity in Food Distribution Programs

FNS is proposing to amend its regulations to make access and parity improvements within several food distribution programs, including the Commodity Supplemental Food Program, the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations, The Emergency Food Assistance Program, and USDA Foods disaster response. The proposed provisions use plain language to make them easier to read and understand.

Resource | Training and Outreach USDA Foods Program Disaster Manual

This manual contains important information for persons in FNS headquarters, FNS regional offices, and distributing agencies, which include state distributing agencies and Indian Tribal Organizations that are charged with the responsibility of providing USDA Foods to disaster relief organizations in the event of a disaster, emergency, or situation of distress.

Resource | Policy Memos D-SNAP State Workgroup Recommendations

The FNS Southwest Regional Office convened a state workgroup comprised of seven state agencies with recent disaster experience to discuss concerns and best practices regarding D-SNAP implementation, program integrity, and program access.

Resource | Policy Memos State Agency Responsibilities Relating to the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP)

The Food and Nutrition Service is issuing this memorandum in response to questions about state agency responsibilities relating to D-SNAP. The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act provides the Secretary of Agriculture with the authority to operate a D-SNAP when affected areas have received a Presidential major disaster declaration and when commercial channels of food distribution are available.

Resource | Policy Memos Special Disaster Rules for Accepting SNAP EBT Benefits for Hot Food Purchases

Due to the power outages, severe flooding and displacements from homes caused by the Kilauea Volcanic Eruption, and effective immediately, retail food stores licensed by the Food and Nutrition Service and located in Hawaii County may accept SNAP benefits in exchange for HOT foods and foods intended to be consumed on retailer premises.

Resource | Policy Memos Providing Child Nutrition Program Benefits to Disaster Survivor Evacuees

This memorandum provides a reminder overview of options available under current program policy and regulation for connecting children and adult survivors, who have evacuated from areas subject to major disaster and emergency declarations, and may be staying in shelters, with child nutrition program benefits.

Resource | Policy Memos 2017 SNAP Disaster Evacuee Policy for Hurricane Harvey Disaster Area Evacuees

FNS is issuing this policy to provide states with flexibility to serve Hurricane Harvey evacuees. States may choose to either serve evacuees through expedited SNAP rules or through the simplified program rules in the Evacuee Policy, as described in this memorandum. When applying the Evacuee Policy, states must use the criteria detailed in this memorandum for determining eligibility, household composition, verification, benefit allotments, and duplicate participation. This memorandum also outlines the reporting and Quality Control processes for cases processed under the Evacuee Policy.

Resource | Policy Memos Questions and Answers about Disaster Policies and Procedures Revised

This memorandum consolidates and clarifies select disaster/emergency policies and procedures applicable to the CSFP, the FDPIR and TEFAP.

Resource Special Disaster Rules for Accepting SNAP EBT Benefits for Hot Food Purchases

Due to Hurricane Sandy, and effective immediately, retail food stores licensed by FNS to accept SNAP benefits in the following counties may accept SNAP benefits in exchange for HOT foods and foods intended to be consumed on retailer premises.

Resource | Policy Memos Special Disaster Rules for Accepting SNAP EBT Benefits for Hot Food Purchases

Due to Hurricane Sandy, and effective immediately, retail food stores licensed by the Food and Nutrition Service to accept SNAP benefits in the following counties may accept SNAP benefits in exchange for HOT foods and foods intended to be consumed on retailer premises.

Page updated: October 14, 2021