Participant income as a percentage of federal poverty guidelines, 2018

Hover over the bars to see participant income as a percentage of the Federal Poverty Guidelines

Percentage of the Federal Poverty Guidelines

  • 0–50%
  • 51–100%
  • 101–130%

  • 131–150%
  • 151–185%
  • More than 185%
  • Not reported

Hover over the bars to see participant income as a percentage of the Federal Poverty Guidelines

Percentage of the Federal Poverty Guidelines

  • 0–50%
  • 51–100%
  • 101–130%

  • 131–150%
  • 151–185%
  • More than 185%
  • Not reported

Hover over the bars to see participant income as a percentage of the Federal Poverty Guidelines

Percentage of the Federal Poverty Guidelines

  • 0–50%
  • 51–100%
  • 101–130%

  • 131–150%
  • 151–185%
  • More than 185%
  • Not reported